

At the age of 9 Johann joined a youth-circus. They toured through Asia and Europe and Johann took part in several festivals. At the age of 15 he went to a circus-school. In 1989 he went to the artists-school in Taschkent/UdSSR where he graduated with big success. Following numerous engagements in private cirusses he also got involved in the education of promising young artists.

Johann und Wowka


  • Rheingoldhalle Mainz
  • Schokoladenfabrik in Mainz
  • Arcor-Fest in Frankfurt
  • HL-Fest in Wiesbaden
  • Varieté Achterbahn
  • Wiesbadener Stadtfest
  • Sektkellerei Mainz
  • Opel Live in Rüsselsheim
  • Staatstheater Wiesbaden, "Aladin und die Wunderlampe"
  • REWE Group
  • AIDS-Hilfe Wiesbaden
  • Media Markt, "Keltenfest"
  • Kulturverein Rheinböllen
  • Altes Theater Heilbronn „Weihnachtsvariete 2006“